Expert: short-term Vioxx use causes heart attacks
HOUSTON (AP) - A physician today reiterated he believes Vioxx causes heart attacks -- regardless of the length of use or of the size of dose. The testimony from Doctor Wayne Ray came in the Houston federal trial of a lawsuit brought against drug maker Merck by a woman whose husband died in 2001. Jurors will be asked to decide if Vioxx contributed to the fatal heart attack suffered by "Dicky" Irvin of St. Augustine, Florida. Merck's lawyer repeatedly challenged how Ray, who studies the risk and benefits of drugs, examined data to reach his conclusion. Ray heads the Pharmaco-Epidemiology department at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. He said no matter how you look at it, Vioxx causes higher risk every time. Also, an economist today testified the Irvin family has suffered at least 402-thousand dollars in economic losses with the man's death.
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